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Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Great Joke

HI Everybody!
So, it's been snowy and slowy in TN - So I have declared a snow day and decided to have a fun day of theorizing!
I am going to use this opportunity to tell a bad joke - yes up above I said it was Great because it is a great intro to some of the nonsense that I will be spouting about next week
Then we are continuing our journey into the land of sharps and flats via the Circle of 5ths

I am using this joke courtesy of the Grand Rand Bishop from his book, “The Essentials to Songwriting Success” This is a great book written by an amazing songwriter. What more can I say? See for yourself!!!!!
Check out his website:

“A pair of Manhattanites, Vern and Frank, are walking down Amsterdam Avenue. “Oh my God!” Vern cries out, pointing up ahead. Following Vern’s pointer finger, Frank sees a man falling from a 10th story window. Miraculously, what surely looks to be a fatal fall is slowed, as the fortunate fellow bounces off of an awning protruding from the 5th floor. He then resumes his fall only to trampoline off of another awning at the 2nd floor level, and finally to land softly in a dumpster conveniently filled with packing peanuts. He climbs out of the dumpster, evidently unhurt, and begins gingerly brushing himself off. “Wow!” exclaims Frank. “That guy has got to be the luckiest man in New York City.”
“Second Luckiest,” Vern corrects him
“What do you mean?” Frank wonders out loud
“Andrew Lloyd Webber,” Vern explains. “He’s the luckiest man in New York City.”

Haaaaa!!!!!!! I am still laughing. And if you know of Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber, you probably are too. And if you haven’t heard of Andrew Lloyd Webber? Well, you’ve probably heard of these musicals? Cats, Jesus Christ Superstar, Phantom of the Opera - He’s the composer and he’s written over a dozen more that you know. Get your google on here ….
More about Sir Andrew

Most importantly – Why should you care? Musicals are for Geeks, right?
Maybe, but stick around songwriters & I promise you can learn something from those show writers as well as from the history of Musical Theater.
( In addition to being a Theory nerd, I think I also just admitted to being a Geek)
Til Next Time, perhaps watch an Old Musical and instead of focusing on the costumes and choreographed routines, listen to the music, hear the lyrics, notice the orchestration - you might be pleasantly surprised by this element of the craft of songwriting :)


  1. lucky and wonderful to find your blog! you are a sweet star with word-ways many and magic

  2. And my dearest, I feel the same about you and barbara streisand
